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Prof. dr. Arvid O. I. Hoffmann
Professor of Marketing
As of January 2017, Prof. dr. Arvid O. I. Hoffmann is a Professor of Marketing at Adelaide University Business School, Australia. Arvid continues to work with other members of the Marketing-Finance Research Lab on joint research projects. His research interests are interdisciplinary and bridge the fields of marketing and finance. In particular, he is interested in behavioral economics and finance, consumer financial decision-making, financial services marketing, household finance, and individual investor behavior. He has published on these topics in such journals as the Journal of Marketing, the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, the International Journal of Research in Marketing, the Journal of Business Research, the Journal of Banking and Finance, the Journal of Behavioral Finance, Theory and Decision, Corporate Communications, and the International Journal of Bank Marketing.
Research Interests
Behavioral finance, consumer financial decision-making, investor behavior, marketing-finance interface, interactions between product and financial markets.
Recent Key Publications
- Cheong, C. S., A. O. I. Hoffmann & R. Zurbruegg (2021). “Tarred with the Same Brush? Advertising Share of Voice and Stock Price Synchronicity.” Journal of Marketing, forthcoming.
- J. K. Hentzen, A. O. I. Hoffmann & R. M. Dolan (2021). Which Consumers are More Likely to Adopt a Retirement App and How does it Explain Mobile Technology-Enabled Retirement Engagement? International Journal of Consumer Studies, forthcoming.
- Hoffmann, A.O. I. & S. Kleimeier (2021), “Financial Disclosure Readability and Innovative Firm’s Cost of Debt”. International Review of Finance, forthcoming.
- Hoffmann, A. O. I., S. J. McNair & J. I. Pallant (2021). “The Financial Vulnerability Trap: Using Latent Transition Analysis to Explore the Dynamics of Consumers’ Financial Vulnerability over Time.” European Journal of Marketing, forthcoming.
- Hoffmann, A.O. I. & S. Kleimeier (2021), “How do Banks Finance R&D Intensive Firms? The Role of Patents in Overcoming Information Asymmetry”. Finance Research Letters, 38 (January), 101485.
- Hoffmann, A. O. I. & L. Risse (2020). Do Good Things Come in Pairs? How Personality Traits Help Explain Individuals’ Simultaneous Pursuit of a Healthy Lifestyle and Financially Responsible Behavior. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 54 (3), 1082-1120.
- Hoffmann, A. O. I. & D. Plotkina. (2020). Why and When Does Financial Information Affect Retirement Planning Intentions and Which Consumers are More Likely to Act on Them? Journal of Business Research, 117 (September), 411-431.
- Hoffmann, A. O. I. & S. J. McNair (2019), “How does Consumers’ Financial Vulnerability Relate to Positive and Negative Financial Outcomes? The Mediating Role of Individual Psychological Characteristics”. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 53 (4), 1630-1673.
- Wies, S., A.O.I. Hoffmann, J. Aspara and J.M.E. Pennings (2019), Can Advertising Investments Counter The Detrimental Effect of Shareholder Complaints on Firm Value,” Journal of Marketing, 83 (4): 58-80.
- Gerhard, P., Gladstone, J. J. & A. O. I. Hoffmann (2018). “Psychological Characteristics and Household Savings Behavior: The Importance of Accounting for Latent Heterogeneity.” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 148 (April), 66-82.
- Hoffmann, A. O. I., S. Kleimeier, N. Mimiroglu & J. M. E. Pennings (2018), “The American Inventors Protection Act: A Natural Experiment on Innovation Disclosure and the Cost of Debt,” International Review of Finance, 19 (3), 641-651.
- Hoffmann, A. O. I. & K. Otteby (2018), “Personal Finance Blogs: Helpful Tool for Consumers with Low Financial Literacy or Preaching to the Choir?”, International Journal of Consumer Studies, 42 (2), 241-254.
- Hoffmann, A. O. I. & T. Post (2017), “How Return and Risk Experiences Shape Investor Beliefs and Preferences”. Accounting and Finance, 57 (3), 759-788.
- Gerhard, P., Hoffmann, A. O. I. & T. Post (2017), “Past Performance Framing and Investors’ Belief Updating: Is Seeing Long-Term Returns Always Associated with Smaller Belief Updates?”, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 15 (September), 38-51.
- Hoffmann, A. O. I. & T. Post (2016), “How Does Investor Confidence Lead to Trading? Linking Investor Return Experiences, Confidence, and Investment Beliefs”, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 12(December), 65-78.
- Aspara, J., A. Chakravarti & A. O. I. Hoffmann (2015), “Focal versus Background Goals in Consumer Financial Decision-Making: Trading Off Financial Returns for Self-Expression?”, European Journal of Marketing, 49 (7/8),1114-1138.
- Hoffmann, A. O. I. & D. Ketteler (2015), “How Experiences with Trading a Company’s Stock Influence Customer Attitudes and Purchasing Behavior”, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 33 (7), 963-992.
- Aspara, J. & A. O. I. Hoffmann (2015), “Cut Your Losses and Let Your Profits Run: How Shifting Feelings of Personal Responsibility Reverses the Disposition Effect”. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 8 (December), 18-24.
- Hoffmann, A. O. I., T. Post & J. M. E. Pennings (2015), “How Investor Perceptions Drive Actual Trading and Risk-Taking Behavior.” Journal of Behavioral Finance, 16 (1), 94-103.
- Aspara, J. & A. O. I. Hoffmann (2015), “Selling Losers and Keeping Winners: How (Savings) Goal Dynamics Predict a Reversal of the Disposition Effect.” Marketing Letters, 26 (2), 201-211.
- Hoffmann, A. O. I. & H. Shefrin (2014), “Technical Analysis and Individual Investors.” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 107 (November), 487-511.
- Hoffmann, A. O. I. & T. Post (2014), “Self-Attribution Bias in Consumer Financial Decision-Making: How Investment Returns Affect Individuals’ Belief in Skill.” Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 52 (October), 23-28.
- Hoffmann, A. O. I., S. F. Henry & N. Kalogeras (2013). “Aspirations as Reference Points: An Experimental Investigation of Risk Behavior over Time.” Theory and Decision, 75 (2), 193-210.
- Merrin, R. P., A. O. I. Hoffmann & J. M. E. Pennings (2013), “Customer Satisfaction as a Buffer Against Sentimental Stock-Price Corrections.” Marketing Letters, 24 (1), 13-27.
- Hoffmann, A. O. I. , T. Post & J. M. E. Pennings (2013). “Individual Investor Perceptions and Behavior during the Financial Crisis.” Journal of Banking and Finance. 37 (1), 60-74.
- Hoffmann, A. O. I., S. F. Henry & N. Kalogeras (2013), “Aspirations as Reference Points: An Experimental Investigation of Risk Behavior over Time.” Theory and Decision, 75 (2), 193-210.
- Hoffmann, A. O. I. & T. Fischer (2012). “Behavioral Aspects of Covered Call Writing: An Empirical Investigation.” Journal of Behavioral Finance, 13 (1), 66-79.
- Hoffmann, A. O. I. & C. Birnbrich (2012). “The Impact of Fraud Prevention on Bank-Customer Relationships: An Empirical Investigation in Retail Banking.” International Journal of Bank Marketing, 30 (5), 390-407.
- Hoffmann, A. O. I. , H. Franken & T. L. J. Broekhuizen (2012).”Customer Intention to Adopt a Fee-Based Advisory Model: An Empirical Study in Retail Banking”,International Journal of Bank Marketing,30 (2), 102-127.
- Hoffmann, A. O. I., A. Tutic & S. Wies (2011). “The Role of Educational Diversity in Investor Relations.” Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 16 (4), 311-327.
- Hoffmann, A. O., J. M. E. Pennings & S. Wies (2011). “Relationship Marketing’s Role in Managing the Firm-Investor Dyad”. Journal of Business Research,64(8), 896-903.
- Hoffmann, A. O. I.& T. L. J. Broekhuizen (2010). “Understanding Investors’ Decisions to Purchase Innovative Products: Drivers of Adoption Timing and Range”. International Journal of Research in Marketing,27(4), 342-355.
- Hoffmann, A. O. I. & T. L. J. Broekhuizen (2009). “Susceptibility to and Impact of Interpersonal Influence in an Investment Context”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science,37(4), 488-503.
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