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Dr. Andres Trujillo-Barrera
Andres Trujillo-Barrera obtained a Ph.D. in agricultural and applied economics from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2013. Currently, he is an Associate Professor in the departement of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology of the University of Idaho, and the Director of the Agricultural Commodity Risk Management Program. Before this, he was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Marketing and Consumer Behavior at Wageningen University. His main research interests are in the areas of commodity price risk and food marketing.
Andres’ research deals with understanding the role of risk on marketing strategies in the food industry. He concentrates on three interrelated areas:
1- A better understanding of price volatility and its effect on agribusiness supply chains (marketing strategies, performance, industrial organization).
2- Evaluation of risk management instruments (futures, options, insurance, microstructure)
3- Application of new tools to measure and evaluate increased uncertainty.
In his approach, he uses a combination of marketing, economics, and finance theory with quantitative research methods.
Selected Publications:
- Tamirat S. A, X. Du, J.M.E. Pennings, A. Trujillo-Barrera. 2020. “Farm-Level Risk-Balancing Behavior and the Role of Latent Heterogeneity,” Journal of Agricultural & Resource Economics, 45 (2): 265-281.
- Tamirat, A., A. Trujillo-Barrera and J.M.E. Pennings. 2019. “Dynamic Target Capital Structure and Speed of Adjustment in Farm Business,” European Review of Agricultural Economics, 46 (4): 637-661.
- Costa G. Junior, A. Trujillo-Barrera and J.M.E. Pennings. 2018. “Concentration and Liquidity Costs in Emerging Commodity Exchanges,” Journal of Agricultural & Resource Economics, 43(3):441–456.
- Trujillo-Barrera, A., P. Garcia, and M.L. Mallory. 2018. “Short-Term Price Density Forecasts in the Lean Hog Futures Market.” European Review of Agricultural Economics 45 (1): 121–42.
- Etienne, X.L., A. Trujillo-Barrera, and L.A.L.A. Hoffman. 2017. “Volatility Spillover and Time-Varying Conditional Correlation Between DDGS, Corn, and Soybean Meal Markets.” Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 46 (3): 1–26.
- Trujillo-Barrera, A., P. Garcia, and M.L.M.L. Mallory. 2016. “Price Density Forecasts in the U.S. Hog Markets: Composite Procedures.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 98 (5): 1529–44.
- Trujillo-Barrera, A., J.M.E. Pennings, and D. Hofenk. 2016. “Understanding Producers’ Motives for Adopting Sustainable Practices: The Role of Expected Rewards, Risk Perception and Risk Tolerance.” European Review of Agricultural Economics 43 (3): 359–82.
- Etienne, X.L., A. Trujillo-Barrera, and S. Wiggins. 2016. “Price and Volatility Transmissions between Natural Gas, Fertilizer, and Corn Markets.” Agricultural Finance Review 76 (1): 151–71.
- Trujillo-Barrera, A., M.L. Mallory, and P. Garcia. 2012. “Volatility Spillovers in US Crude Oil, Ethanol, and Corn Futures Markets.” Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 37 (2): 1–16.
Room: Ag Science, Room 37
Phone: +1 208-885-1151
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