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Dr. ir. Nikos Kalogeras
Assistant Professor of Marketing-Finance
Dr. ir. Nikos Kalogeras is an Assistant Professor of Marketing & Consumer Behaviour at Wageningen University, in The Netherlands. He also holds the position of Research Coordinator (Dept. of Business Economics & Management) at the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania (MAICh) – International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM, France). Moreover, he is the co-director of the Marketing-Finance Research Lab at Maastricht University, a visiting professor at the Athens University of Economics & Business, Democritus University of Thrace, and MAICh and he is affiliated with the Financial Engineering Laboratory at the Technical University of Crete and the Laboratory of Tourism Research and Studies (ETEM) at the Aegean University in Greece.
Nikos research interests are interdisciplinary and bridge the fields of marketing and finance. In particular, he is interested in behavioral economics, strategic marketing-management, cooperative entrepreneurship, consumer behavior, financial services marketing, sustainable and regional development, marketing-finance engineering, and tourism marketing. He has published on these topics in such journals and book series as the Journal of Service Management, European Journal of Operational Research, Theory & Decision, Agribusiness: An International Journal, International Journal of Food & Agribusiness Marketing, Supply Chain & Finance, Journal of Food Products Marketing, Journal of Food Engineering, Food & Chemical Toxicology.
Next to his academic work, Dr. Kalogeras served as an expert for several international policy organizations and governmental agencies such as the CIHEAM in France, National Cooperative Council (NCR) in the Netherlands, United States Agency for International Development (USAID in the USA), European Parliament, European Commission (EC), and UNESCO. Finally, he worked as a senior researcher and project leader on various applied research projects funded by leading product companies (e.g., DSM, Product & Gamble, Unilever) and globally known financial institutions (e.g., Rabobank, Deutsche Bank, and APG).
Research Interests
marketing-finance, consumer & investor behavior, risk management, financial services marketing-management & product development, cooperatives, food & agribusiness marketing, sustainable investments.
Recent Key Publications
- Dytianquin, N., Kalogeras N., Oorschot, J., Abujidi, N., (2023) “Circularity in the Construction and Demolition Industry: Comparing Weighting Methods for Multi-criteria Decision Analysis”, Frontiers in Sustainability, 4:1115865,
- Benos, T., Sergaki, G., Kalogeras, N., Tzinalas, D. (2023). “Coping with Side‐Selling in Cooperatives: A Members’ Perspective”, Annals of Public & Cooperative Economics, 32(1), 127–150,
- Glyptou, K., Kalogeras, N., Skuras, D., Spilanis, I. (2022). “Clustering Sustainable Destinations: Empirical Evidence from Selected Mediterranean Countries”, Sustainability, 14 (9): 5507,
- Sergaki, P., Kontogeorgos, A., Kalogeras, N., Dijk van G., (2019). “Reciprocity and Cooperatives’ Performance: The Example of Mandatory Cooperatives,” Journal of Depopulation and Rural Development Studies, forthcoming.
- Theodoridou,G., Tsakiridou, G., Kalogeras, N., Mattas, K. (2019). “The Impact of the Economic Crisis on Greek Consumer Behaviour towards Food Consumption,” International Journal on Food System Dynamics, 10 (3), 298-314.
- Benos, T, N. Kalogeras, M. Wetzels, K. de Ruyter and J.M.E. Pennings (2018), “Harnessing a “currency matrix” for performance measurement in cooperatives: A multi-phased study,” Sustainability, 10(12), 4536.
- Anastasiou, C.N. Keramistosglou, K.M., Kalogeras, N., Tsagarakis, M.I., Kalatzi, I., and Tsagarakis, K, K.P., (2017) “Can the “Euro-Leaf” Logo Affect Consumers’ Willingness to Purchaseto-Purchase and Willingness-to-Pay for Organic Food and Attract Consumers’ Preferences? An Empirical Study in Greece,” Sustainability 9(8), 1450.
- Theodoridou G., Tsakirisdou, E., Kalogeras, N., Mattas, K. (2017) Food Consumption Patterns in Times of Economic Recession,” International Journal of Food and Beverages Manufacturing & Business Models, 21(1): 56-69.
- Benos, T., Kalogeras, N., Verhees, F., Sergaki, P., Pennings, J.M.E. (2015) “Cooperatives’ Organizational Restructuring, Strategic Attributes and Performance: The Case of Agribusiness Cooperatives in Greece” Agribusiness: An International Journal (forthcoming).
- Kalogeras, N., Hoffmann, A.I.O., Mahr, D., (2014). “Financial vs. Non-Financial Attributes for Pension Fund Structures: A Customers’ Perspective from the Netherlands,” In Estelami, H. & Harrison, T., (Editors), Routledge Companion to Financial Services Marketing,Oxford/UK: Routlege, pp. 101-115.
- Zopounidis, N., Kalogeras, N., Mattas, K., Van Dijk, G., Baourakis, G., (2014). Agricultural Cooperative Management & Policy – New Robust, Reliable, and Coherent Modeling Tools, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, pp. 1-422.
- Mahr, D., Kalogeras, N., Odekerken-Schröder, G. (2013). “A Service Science Approach for Improving Healthy Food Experiences” Journal of Service Management 24(4): 435-471.
- Kalogeras, N., Pennings, J.M.E., Benos, T. and M. Doumpos (2013), “Which Co-op Ownership Model Performs Better? A Financial-Decision Aid Approach,” Agribusiness: An International Journal, Vol. 29 (1): 80-95.
- Kalogeras, N. , Odekerken-Schröder, G., Pennings, J.M.E., Gunnlaugsdüttir, H., Holm, F., Leino, O., Luteijn, J.M., Magnússon, S.H., Pohjola, M.V., Tijhuis, M.J., Tuomisto, J.T., Ueland, Ø., White, B.C., and H., Verhagen. (2012). “State of the Art in Benefit–Risk Analysis: Economics and Marketing-Finance,” Food and Chemical Toxicology, 50(1): 56-66.
- Kalogeras, N., Van Dijk G., Baourakis, G., Sergaki, P., Kalaitzis, M. (2011). “What Drives the Market Exchange of Special Investment Shares within New Generation Cooperatives?” Journal of Computational Optimization in Economics and Finance, 2(3): 2007-222.
- Kalogeras, N. , Baourakis, G., Mattas, K. (2011). “Introduction to the Special Issue on Recent Trends in the Food Industry and Food Chain,” Journal of Food Products Marketing, 17(2-3): 111-113.
- Kalogeras, N., Pennings J.M.E., Van der Lans, I.A., Garcia, P. (2009). “Understanding Heterogeneous Preferences of Cooperative Members,” Agribusiness: An International Journal, 25 (1): 90-11.
- Kalogeras, N., S. Vlachovska, G. Baourakis, P. Kalaitzis (2009). “Dutch Consumers Willingness to Pay for Organic Olive oil,” International Journal of Food and Agribusiness Marketing, 21(4): 286-311.
- Kalogeras, N., Pennings, J.M.E., Van Dijk, G., Van der Lans, I.A.(2007). “The Structure of Marketing Cooperative: A Members’ Perspective.” In Karantininis, K., & J. Nilsson, eds. Vertical Markets and Cooperative Hierarchies, The Netherlands: Springer Academic Publications, pp. 73-92, (ISBN: 978-1-4020-4072).
- Pennings, J.M.E., Kalogeras, N.(2005). “Risk Perception and Risk Attitude in Transition towards Sustainability in Small and Medium-size Enterprises,” In: Mobilization of Sustainable Consumption, Transforum Agro & Groen: Sustainable and Informed Entrepreneurship, The Netherlands: Drukkerij A-Twee, Vol. 3, pp. 47-76.
- Kalogeras, N., G., Baourakis, C. Zopounidis, & G., van Dijk, (2005), “Evaluating the Financial Performance of Agri-food firms: A Multicriteria Decision-Aid Approach,” Journal of Food Engineering, 70(3): 365-371.
- Migdalas, A., Baourakis, G., Kalogeras, N., & H.B., Meriem, (2004), “Sector Modelling for the Prediction and Evaluation of Cretan Olive oil,” European Journal of Operational Research, 152 (2): 454-464.
- Baourakis G., Kalogeras, N., Zopounidis C. & G. van Dijk, (2003), “Assessing the Financial Performance of Marketing Co-operatives and Investor Owned Firms: A Multicriteria Methodology,” In: P. Pardalos, Migdalas, A., and G., Baourakis (Eds.), Supply Chain & Finance, World Scientific: Series on Computers & Operations Research, Vol. 2, pp. 30-45.
- Dimara, E., & Kalogeras, N. (2002), “Consumer Preferences for Extrinsic versus Intrinsic Quality Cues for Image Products: The Case of Greek Quality Wine,” In: Zopounidis C., Pardalos, P., and G., Baourakis (Eds.), Fuzzy Set Systems in Management, Economics & Marketing, World Scientific Publications, pp. 83-98.
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